Short and sweet

Saturday night was the Nagoya friends party. It was OK - again free food was the highlight. I managed to get a couple more drinks out of this one. The downside was the venue was so packed. The other thing was there was only two foreign girls there (American) - whom I got talking to - and they actually live around Yokkaichi, so that was cool. I felt a bit bad as I ended up being a bit of a cling-on to them, as I wasnt in the mood for trying to get amongst the people, and then I went home when they went home - as we were going in the same direction.

On Sunday I went to the Nagoya Auto Trend (car show), that was kinda cool. I was a little disappointed there wasnt more Hondas there, but other than that it was quite cool. Admittedly it was rather flashy and fleshy - quite a few pimped out cars, and almost more J-girls than cars. (Show girls - in Japan, Japan is often abbreviated to J, eg J-pop - music etc) For example there was a car with mags with diamantes on them.

Today I again didnt make it to the mountain and onsen. Soon Im going to check out a 2nd hand microwave, and following that, I will probably check out a shopping centre at the next main train stop (which is around where the microwave is).
My new flatmate moves in on Wednesday I think. Hopefully he will be cool.
Anyway, catch ya
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