J T's journey

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

When your happy & you know it, document it

If you think Im happy because I raked in numerous valentines from attractive Japanese girls...
You're wrong. Unfortunately the hints (talking about valentines day) and subliminal marketing I had done to my students (look at this cute picture of my cat, look at these cute lambs on my postcard etc) none of my students gave me chocolates. I did however recieve some chocolates from one of the Japanese staff, and a share of some cookies from my workmate (ie friend gifts). Probably just as well, (NB: in Japan, on Feb 14th women give men chocolate, on March 14,"white day" men return the favour) as it would have led to numerous ethical delimmas such as:
do I send them something?
they are my students, am I allowed to?
how do I not make the other students jealous?
is it something more?
that and the fact the tradition apparently says you have to multiply the gift by 3 in return (maybe that was just something they wanted me to believe).

Anyway, the title relates to the fact that I am kinda happy, so I thought I would write an entry while I still have access to an internet connection, and while Im in a happy state of mind, rather than a jaded one.

Yesterday I had training in a city south of here called Tsu. Afterwards I hung with an Australian guy, and a Canadian girl as we sampled the local fare.

Last night my flatmate had his leaving party, at a Japanese place that had free beer for the first half an hour, then the next half hour they were 100yen each, then 600yen. It was a rather fun night, I feel more at home with the others now. The other good thing is I met the new Australian couple that have moved here. They seem pretty cool, and they were from Adelaide, so I talked to them about my vague recollections of being there (when I was 9). They have Saturday/Sunday off (rare), so we can possibly do stuff together on Sundays. You may recall I was beginning to worry as all the Australians were leaving, and they are the closest things to Kiwis. The kiwi guy who is management, now works at my branch. He seems cool. I often hear him asking the girls stuff I would be too shy/wary to ask such as if they have boyfriends. He's married so I guess its a safer conversation for him. We aren't allowed to socialise with our students, let alone go out with them, which is a great shame.

Not sure what the deal with the Japanese girl I met on Saturday night is. I can't figure out Kiwi girls, let alone girls from a different culture.

I'm doing another "voice topic" tomorrow. I've decided to do "the olympics". Should be interesting. A bit stressful having to prepare it with short notice though.

Anyway, happy Valentines day! despite it now being yesterday here now, and long ago in NZ...


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