J T's journey

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Kia Ora from Yokkaichi, Nihon

What a ride!

Got here 8.10am yesterday - then got a bus, then the train from Osaka to Yokkaichi. Last night went out with my flatmates to the leaving party of one of them, at a cafe just down the road, and met several other teachers. After that, I went home and had a well deserved sleep (I only managed some sleep on the plane between Singapore and Osaka - less than 6 hours, plus some on train.

Today had Orientation in Nagoya, that was a bit of a mission getting too, if it wasn't for one of my flatmates. After that finished I went out for a couple of beers with the other teachers on orientation - a group of 5 POMs. That was fun. However it meant I got home a little late, and had missed my luggage being delivered.

Its an interesting place, and so far I'm loving it. The novelty is still fresh. English isn't as well known as I thought it would be though. And not a lot of English signs either. Some of the english here doesn't make a lot of sense either. Japanese tv seems to consist of mainly game shows and the shopping network.

Anyway, leave it there for now.


  • HI Jamie, nice to read about your escapades. Sounds challenging!! Beats clocking up 6 min intervals!!

    It has got hot here, I think there will be a bit of sunburn around tomorrow.

    Better race I have been away for the weekend and now is catch up time. Have a great Xmas!!

    Christine Martin

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Sunday, December 04, 2005 8:40:00 pm  

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