J T's journey

Sunday, October 15, 2006

A brief breath

Just a quick one, will fill it out later, when I have more time

Just come to book my hotels, cos I didnt want to get there and have no where to stay, aye?

Its taken longer than anticipated (surprise surprise) because I wanted to compare the convenience of the hostels` locations. Anyhow I have choosen some good hostels, one in Thailand won over another because it had a pool. Guess what I am paying for about 8 nights accommodation? Roughly $50NZD - thats all up.

Anyway, must move along. Working at 10 tomorrow, in Yatomi.

BTW, managed to make it to Church tonight. I had wondered once why Jesus had chosen some fools for discipiles - because they didn't seem like great examples for the world. Tonight I came to the realisation that it was because it shows you can keep coming back with your tail between your legs.

Also discovered in my search for hostels, that on Google Maps, you can see my house in NZ! and you can also get a good view of Matira. (Professional procrastinator ne?)

Anyway laters,
Remember, Don't steal, cheat, lie, or drink. Unless you must, then steal away from bad company, cheat death, lie in the arms of a loved one, and drink in the moments.
(Yeah I watched Hitch again).


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