JT`s still in the game

Since Friday...
Friday night I went to Nagoya for tea with Lee, Miyuki, and Alex. We met Miyuki`s friend, who is a cop. He wants to have a party sometime, and also wants to show us the police station. Sounds good!
Saturday, I worked and I had organised with some friends to meet them in Nagoya at Shooters, but all but one cancelled on me, so I went to Kanie instead (to my friends place) and had some drinks with him, and his friend. I caught the last train home (just! - I was waiting on the wrong platform, so when the train came I had to jump the barrier and cross the tracks)
Sunday, Japanese lesson, and then lunch at Kumar. I was going to go to Nagoya and meet a friend (one of the friends that I was going to meet on Saturday) but she blew me off again. So I wasn`t impressed, mainly because I had wasted my afternoon getting ready and killing time. So in the end, I went and had a coffee (ice cocoa) with Anandia, at a restaurant thats owned by the same people as our local bar (Aggi`s) and the all-you-can-eat Chinese restaurant.
Monday, Kevin and I decided to go to Akame 48 waterfalls(http://www.akame48taki.jp) which was about half way to Osaka. It was interesting, roughly worth it I guess. Nice to be out of the city again. From the train station we shared a taxi with some Japanese girls from Osaka, so we only had to pay 400yen each. Unfortunately we didn`t hang out with them for the rest of the day.

The next day I had my 6 month observation. I felt the lesson I did wasn`t a good example of my ability, but the observation went OK, and was fair. I actually got three compliments, so that was good.
Wednesday night there was another party for Krysta at a Karoke bar. Me and 2 of my Australian workmates actually stayed there until about 3am, belting out songs. Luckily I still had a voice the next day.
Thursday I was in Yatomi, working with Anandia, so after work we went and had Coco Ichiban (Curry), we just chilled and watched a video with part of a series of Friends on it.
Today, I woke up at about 10:30, but then slept again to about 12:45. Rather tired. I seem to never have time to do stuff in between having fun, sleeping and working, and doing the bare-minimum necessary things. Its a hard life. Anyhow, this coming month, June, I will be only having 1 day weekends, except for the 5 day trip to Hiroshima/USJ etc so hopefully I will be able to get the place totally tidy, and do all the things that have been put off because they are not so urgent.
Anyway, this weekend - another party for Krysta on Saturday night, Japanese lesson on Sunday, and on Monday night I have to work.
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