J T's journey

Monday, August 15, 2005

Towers, motorways and parking buildings

Hey team,
not a lot to report, except I went to Auckland this weekend and had an interview with a Japanese school. It wasn't a bad experience I guess. Just getting up early was, and not having breakfast until 10.36 (when McDs refuses to serve the breakfast menu).

I also caught up with friends, and went up the Sky Tower. Previously I had refrained on moral grounds (Sky City owns it - Sky City is a casino, casinos steal dumb peoples money.) However considering I have already parked twice in the casino at Hamilton (once for my CA exam, and the other because I was late, had gout, and Hamilton is bad for parking) I figured it wasn't such a crime anymore.

Anyway, something to look forward to is my trip to Sydney, for an interview with another Japanese school company, followed by a break, visiting and staying with my mate there.

Still don't have any comments from people. I need to self-promote some more I think!


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