Insomnia and isolation
Welcome to another episode of the JT show.
I'm suffering the effects of insomnia last night. I think I drunk too much (3 glasses) Coca-Cola(TM) last night, so ended up not getting to sleep until 5am.
Naturally I have felt a little jaded today then.
The isolation part of the title is a little harder to explain. I guess you could say that is how I am feeling, isolated. From God, from reality, from my goals, from true love. Well, that just about sums it all up doesn't it...
This is where keeping the blog gets hard. Which personality do I want to express, or advocate to be the representative of me. Aye? you say. What I mean is what I choose to write dictates how you see me (or how I want you to see me). There is the tendency for me to want to portray myself as the perfect man, flawless and heroic. There is the temptation to censor myself from expressing my attitudes that may be somewhat immature, versus the desire to say what I really feel. Also the caution between keeping it real and leading others into temptation or un-constructive contemplation.
I think what I have just said (to me) is about the most succinct I will get it. Basically I am struggling with my place in the universe. My Christian walk has hit some obstacles and questions, and I need to iron them out to try and make sense of this, and re-connect. I won't go into further detail. If you happen to stumble onto this page several months from now, hopefully I have solved these issues and proceeded on with life, and perhaps this may explain my distance over this period. I don't know.
Kia Kaha (Stand Strong)
I'm suffering the effects of insomnia last night. I think I drunk too much (3 glasses) Coca-Cola(TM) last night, so ended up not getting to sleep until 5am.
Naturally I have felt a little jaded today then.
The isolation part of the title is a little harder to explain. I guess you could say that is how I am feeling, isolated. From God, from reality, from my goals, from true love. Well, that just about sums it all up doesn't it...
This is where keeping the blog gets hard. Which personality do I want to express, or advocate to be the representative of me. Aye? you say. What I mean is what I choose to write dictates how you see me (or how I want you to see me). There is the tendency for me to want to portray myself as the perfect man, flawless and heroic. There is the temptation to censor myself from expressing my attitudes that may be somewhat immature, versus the desire to say what I really feel. Also the caution between keeping it real and leading others into temptation or un-constructive contemplation.
I think what I have just said (to me) is about the most succinct I will get it. Basically I am struggling with my place in the universe. My Christian walk has hit some obstacles and questions, and I need to iron them out to try and make sense of this, and re-connect. I won't go into further detail. If you happen to stumble onto this page several months from now, hopefully I have solved these issues and proceeded on with life, and perhaps this may explain my distance over this period. I don't know.
Kia Kaha (Stand Strong)
I want to quickly respond to something from your 'blog about
isolation. I don't know a great deal about your situation when you
wrote that so, please just take what you want from this, I pray that God might speak and that you would be encouraged. We can never be isolated or distant from God. Anyone's words or any thought we may
have along these lines is always and absolutely a lie and therefore
originates from the evil one. There is no condemnation in Christ
Jesus Whatever
obstacles we may face along the way, Jesus is there with us
( He wants us to involve
Him in our lives.
I hope I'm not intefering or completely misinterpreting, but there it is.
Anonymous, at Thursday, September 08, 2005 2:55:00 am
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